10 things you may not know about arthritis

  1. Arthritis is painful.
  2. It may affect your spine, neck, hips, knees, hands and feet and even adversely affect your internal organs.
  3. It is a complex condition, with over 100 forms, which affects people differently.
  4. There is no cure but there are things you can do to manage the condition.
  5. There are a number of factors which can affect the condition eg the weather, your job, being over-weight or your daily routine to name but a few.
  6. Relief can be found using either hot or cold compresses or a combination of both.
  7. Although arthritis commonly occurs in the over 40’s, it can affect people of all ages including children.
  8. Arthritis accounts for one in three of all GP visits and every year millions of working hours are lost resulting in forced retirements.
  9. Injuries can aggravate the condition so ensure you have an appropriate exercise programme, for YOU, to reduce the risk of aggravating the condition.
  10. Movement can help … studies show staying physically active is THE most important thing YOU can do to help your arthritis.


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